I've moved to a NEW ASMR Channel (LAST REMINDER)

moved to new vlog channel

New ASMR Channel (Remember to Tap the Bell): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcsJJZJujpu-ddRUlpax4QA

BTW I'm not deleting this channel, old old videos will stay here, but I'll be moving over some of my fav ones to my new channel obviously) Thanks to my lovely ASMR friends who have joined me already!
Making this change has been so refreshing for me, its helped me to focus solely on my true ASMR audience, get to know who you are in the comments on my new channel and create more engagement!

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Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hollyasmr
Support me on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/hollyasmr


asmr ASMR Channel
