ASMR sneak preview of tapping and scratching on stuff in my bedroom - other bits below

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

Admittedly, this was not my finest hour/minute due to raging migraine woes but I'm just chilling out and faffing around with bits and bobs that I forgot I had or ever even purchased and then I remembered why I bought them...because they might come in useful for ASMR. I'm certain that you know the feeling only too well. I have never been a Magpie; meaning, not attracted to shining, sparkling objects. I'm usually looking for wood chisels or chainsaw oil, not pretty bags and wotnots. But it happens to the best of us and I plead guilty as charged.

Apparently, there is an issue with the comments despite them being enabled. Erm. I don't know why. I have removed a word that might have been an issue but I am at a loss. So if you do want to comment, please try again or maybe comment on my community tab. Sorry

We ought not to ignore the nails because I did that at silly o'clock when I should have been doing other stuff. I swear I'm losing the plot.

I do have a little hiking creation that I recorded earlier today on my walk, if anyone is interested...put your hand up, throw something at me, or just say...yes please.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.



As well as the stuff below, I am always coming up with nonsensical ideas and many of them never come to fruition but I take each day as it comes and am blessed if I wake up to see another sunrise.

1. I've recorded 25 minutes of the ear eating/mouth sounds video and will do the rest tomorrow if I am not hiking in the rain with a jar of peanut butter. The peanut butter will be for nom noms. It's not clever enough to don a pair of boots and chase after me but that would be an amazing sight.
2. I don't know. Maybe you know
3. Ear cleaning will happen soon, I promise. Just trying to figure out the right camera angle for this one.
4. There is no 4...see 5, which really applies to 1 but I'm now being silly.
5. I have other mics that you may not have seen if you never saw me elsewhere. I'm going to get them booted and suited as part of the mouth sounds wotnottery.
6. Anyone interested in me tapping and scratching on things in my bedroom?

I don't ask for donations or tips, just respect and kindness; they both cost nothing.



me, yoga, photography

me, my and photography

#asmrtapping #asmrfingermovements #asmrnails
