ASMR shirt scratching - lo-fi. Update below

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

This one was destined for the bin but I am so busy that I have not had time to record anything else and so I'm giving this an airing as a stop gag between then and somewhere else. Hopefully I'll rectify that very soon when life is the right way up again. Anyway...enjoy.

Ear eating - gentle one recently uploaded
If you'd like another rough version, I can probably do that in just over a week or so.
Have your say on what you'd like.
Jeans and denim shirt scratching - pockets and belts sounds - anyone like the belt snapping?
Anyone fancy a kissing, finger licking video? Planning to do this in about 2 weeks due to crazy schedule
Ear massage using my hands and a lot of oil
Shirt scratching on my blue knitted top with tiny necklace sounds...yet to be recorded.
Tapping on books in my library
Roleplay - mummy captures you. Recorded and will be uploaded this weekend.

for all things reading with bare feet - new channel

Sherlock Holmes and Father Brown - this channel is probably temporary. It involves a lot of work and is not terribly popular but that will be one less thing for me to do.

❤️❤️❤️ EDIT: I deleted the yoga channel
I have a yoga channel - I am a bit behind with uploading and exercising due to ridiculously busy schedule.


me, yoga, photography, lollipops

mostly, quite a lot of my feet and photography and weird stuff

#asmrshirtscratching #asmrclothesscratching #asmr
