ASMR ear eating - gentle and aggressive mouth sounds with 3 Dio and silicone ears.

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

As I write this at 07.02 on Christmas Eve, we are making plans to evacuate our home due to the rising water levels. Apologies for quality but my phone broke so I had to make do with what I could find to record this as the previous recording was lost with my phone. However, all is not lost as we will celebrate some sort of Christmas at some stage, with whatever we have to hand and with a smile and a song in our hearts.

Sending peace and much love and perhaps, I may see you all in the new year if I decide to continue with this channel. If not, thank you to those of you who contributed over these last few months. Follow your hearts...dare to dream, find those muddy puddles and don't forget to look up every now and then...and down.

Annie...lover of jam and jumping in puddles.

#asmreareating #mouthsounds #tonguepunches


earnoms asmraggressiveeareating asmrmouth asmrtongue asmrintensemouthsounds asmrsiliconeears thepose
