Polynesian Mythology Sleep Stories: Maori, Hawaiian, Tahitian... (ASMR)

The French Whisperer ASMR

In tonight's ASMR story, I tell you myths from Polynesia, especially Hawaii and Aotearoa (New Zealand), and I explain the origins and connections of Polynesian people. We will discover the story of Maui, his fight with goddess Hine, the origins of the gods starting with Rangi and Papa from the Maori tradition, more divinities (Tane of the forest and the birds, Tangaroa of the sea, Tawhirimatea of storms and winds...) and the creation of men and women.

Script and narration by the French Whisperer, visuals by the French Whisperer, under Wikipedia Commons, or under license from Panthermedia and Shutterstock. Sound effects from the YouTube Audio Library for Creators. Opening Music: Dawn of Man by Quincas Moreira.

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0:00 Maui's Exploits
27:43 Breathe and Relax
31:25 Rangi and Papa
44:59 The Polynesians
55:46 Maui and Hine
1:14:58 Ocean Sounds (no voice)
