ASMR lavender

ASMR lavender

已创建 4,020 214,708 32
Welcome to my channel! ♡

my name is Xenia and I love making videos called ASMR.

I started this channel because I want to create a safe place for all of you who struggel with anxiety, pain, negative mood symptoms or falling asleep.
My videos include lots of personal attention, beauty, self love for those who need a support system or any other things that I enjoy doing.

ASMR holds a special place in my heart just because of the loving and caring community. It helped me to bring comfort and a sense of safety in my everyday life. I truly hope that my videos help you to relax and calm down too.
But remember everyone has a different ASMR trigger ;)

If you want to support my channel, I would be grateful for any small donation ♡


💟 ASMR lavender 是一位拥有超过 4,020 订阅者的 ASMR 视频创作者。ASMR lavender 于 9年前 加入了 YouTube,并上传了超过 214,708 次观看量的 32 部 ASMR 视频。
