Chaotic ADHD clinic with orange-juggling rainforest doctor. (Lofi ASMR) Also, BIRB.

A real doctor meets you in a lovely lo-fi home by the rainforest to figure out how we can help your ADHD. Enjoy rainforest sounds and the antics of my lovely pet birds while we talk. My medical license, if you want to verify I'm real, is Virginia 0101265916. Here's a list of the things we talk about:

--Some comforting and reassurance, listening to your heart

--Goals of ADHD treatment

--Elements of concentration

--Special mind-therapies you can seek out like biofeedback and the Brain Gym, yoga, tai chi, the ABC "Activity Bursts in Classroom" ADHD program for children--study found you concentrate better after walk in the park!

--Diet considerations, like increasing omega 3s. Is there evidence for organic? No. Is there evidence against dyes and additives? Maybe yes!

--Pros and cons of non-stimulant "herbal" or "supplement" medicines like melatonin, teas, Valerian root, lemon balm, etc

--Pros and cons of stimulant medications like Concerta

I believe in following the medical evidence, so you will find over a hundred studies to fact-check me at the end of this description. Feel free to skip around the video to what is useful to you. It's slow because I included a lot of gentle relaxation triggers like peeling/eating an orange, heartbeat, crinkling wrapper paper, tapping, soft spoken kindness, and personal care for the ASMR-hungry among you. Also:

* for therapy for anxiety
* Google articles by the AAFP and AHA when you have questions about your medical care, to get the most up to date evidence. (NOT WEBMD)

* ASMR favorites by the pros to help you fall asleep (listen on random):
* Animal relaxation videos:

***I am not your therapist. If you need your own therapist, please go to your primary care physician and ask them to refer you. Ask for someone skilled in CBT. Alternatively, there are therapists you can talk to online affordably. While I am a real doctor, I am not YOUR doctor; nothing I say here is official medical advice, diagnosis, or disease treatment, because I have not physically examined or spoken with YOU. You have the power to fact-check me.

***To follow my tragic adventures as I demonstrate how the American medical training system is BUILT to create a shortage of doctors who care, please listen to my show on the Emergency Escape Podcast Network: Search the page for “Death & The Doctor” There, you’ll hear about the deaths that convinced me we’re doing it wrong; my dream to take modern medicine to those who can’t afford it; and ultimately the reason I left the American residency system.

***Jen Finelli is a world-traveling scifi author who's gone swimming with sharks, escaped being locked in a German nunnery, discovered murals and poetry in underground urban caves, explored jungles and coral deserts, and hung out with everyone from dead people and prostitutes to secret political influencers and Senators. She is coping with life as an MD by telling you stories, and when she grows up she’ll be a superhero.
Science fiction:
Upcoming film: Comics-character-who-kills-his-author: Twitter: @petr3pan Patreon: (All product links are not sponsors, but they are affiliates, which means clicking them supports my new creations and new charity projects! You can also join me for cool rewards at  


1Spencer T.J., Biederman J., Mick E.: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis, lifespan, comorbidities, and neurobiology. J Pediatr Psychol. 32:631-642 2007 17556405

2Gruber R.: Sleep characteristics of children and adolescents with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 18:863-876 2009 19836693

3Honos-Webb L.: The Gift of ADHD. 2005 New Harbinger Publications Oakland, CA

4Mannuzza S., Klein R.G., Moulton J.L. 3rd: Lifetime criminality among boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a prospective follow-up study into adulthood using official arrest records. Psychiatry Res. 160:237-246 2008 18707766

5Langley K., Fowler T., Ford T., et al.: Adolescent clinical outcomes for young people with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry. 196:235-240 2010 20194547

6Swing E.L., Gentile D.A., Anderson C.A., Walsh D.A.: Television and video game exposure and the development of attention problems. Pediatrics. 126:214-221 2010 20603258

7Linnet K.M., Dalsgaard S., Obel C., et al.: Maternal lifestyle factors in pregnancy risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and associated behaviors: review of the current evidence. Am J Psychiatry. 160:1028-1040 2003 12777257

Ugh description box is too small. You can find the other 100 studies on my website here:

Please look at them! Always fact check.


asmr roleplay chaotic asmr whisper tapping whispering tingles personal attention triggers sleep relax adhd adhd advice natural adhd care mouth sounds visual triggers Medical ASMR dr. asmr asmr doctor
