ASMR funnels - teeny weeny tiny ones | average sized ones and that monster sized one

Whimsical Annie
发表 3年前

At 3am, most sensible individuals are tucked up in bed, sound asleep and away with the fairies...not me...I was doing laundry, watching ASMR and replying to your comments. By 4.38am, I had consumed breakfast, inhaled buttered coffee and contemplated the meaning of life. I am definitely a morning person but I don't usually feel hungover by 9.30am, despite being tee-total and having the ability to be silly on just one cup of water and that 21% of oxygen that's wafting around us.

Between 3am and 3pm, I was mostly absent without leave of body and mind but on my arrival home, I duly cleaned my tushy pegs, rounded up my paraphernalia and made haste to the window seat as the November sun dropped into the bottom of the sky and the grey/orange hue of winter, fell across the lawn and kissed the dewy drops of fairy tears. I didn't have time to change so you will find me as I was, looking decidedly jaded but full of promise and enthusiasm. I was interrupted on numerous occasions when other members of the household required bits and bob from the utility room, oblivious to the fact that I was facing the window with a funnel in my mouth.

Funnels are still fairly new to me but they don't come with an instruction book for mouth sounds as their intended uses appear to be cuisine related and not binaural wotnottery. I'm not sure if I prefer the teeny weeny tiny ones or the super sized monster...perhaps you have a favourite.

Tickle that little button if you enjoyed what you saw/heard.

Everyone is welcome is a place, free from judgement and full of love and happiness. Stay a moment or for long enough to fall asleep but do not steal my jam sandwiches. Ask nicely and eat the crusts.

Thank you to those of you who have been immensely supportive and encouraging. I am amazed by all the genuinely wonderful comments and the level of engagement. Ultimately, it is you that makes this channel what it is and it is you that guides it in whatever direction it goes. Wherever you are, may your day be filled with peace and joy and maybe a jam sandwich or three.


What next?

Tattoo tracing
Crinkle heaven
Reading a fairytale
Ear eating mega length
Erm food eating? Not sure about that one
Other stuff that I can't remember

I have reinstated my instagram accounts


Polls and photos etc.

I don't ask for donations or tips, just respect and kindness; they both cost nothing.


#asmrfunnels #asmrmouthsounds #asmr


mouthsounds Funnelsounds asmrmouth asmrbritish
