Black Lives Matter - Let's Talk

发表 3年前

I'm not black but I see you
I'm not black but I hear you
I'm not black but I mourn with you
black lives heard
black lives matter

It is not fair for people...HUMANS, to be being treated like this, all because of the colour of their skin. Why does the colour of their skin make them any different? It doesn't! They are NOT different from any other person. It is no longer okay for us to just not be racist. We need be actively anti-racist. We need to spread awareness however we can. Even if you can't donate or get out to protest, post it on social media, try and make people understand what it would be like if they were in their shoes. Do anything you can. Every little helps...and to all the people out there that are trying to spread the "All lives matter" hashtag, try saying to them, "if that were true, than why are people of colour still being opressed." Not all lives matter until people of colour are treated as actual human beings. Like people just like you and i.

LINKS TO PLACES YOU CAN SHOW SUPPORT: This is an amazing website that gives you many different ways to show your support The go fund me page for george floyd and his family The official black lives matter movement website To sign the petition for justice for George Floyd

Only donate if you can, if you can't (I couldn't) don't beat yourself up, just try to spread awareness in any way you can, even if you just share a post raising awareness. Black voices heard, black lives matter


asmr whisper ramble asmr whispering black lives matter black lives matter too justice for george floyd George Floyd black lives matter protests blm blm movement black lives matter movement blm protests minneapolis Racism police brutality policeman inequality black minority ASMR let's talk asmr let's chat asmr chatting ethnic i cant breathe human rights anti racism stop racism
