How to Meditate... Learn How to Easily Meditate to Lower your Stress, Anxiety and Improve Sleep

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I've been wanting to make this for a while now, partly to share with you but also my clients. Quite often when I mention i hear people tell me they don't know how to mediate and I think the reason is because people often over complicate it.
All meditation is really is breathing, deep nice slow breathing into your belly....
All you really need to do is take a deep breath in through your nose....
then slowly exhale out of your mouth...
aim to try and bring the breath as low as your belly, allowing it to inflate like a balloon, then slowly breath out.
The take a pause at the end of the in breath and again at the end of the out breath....
If you start thinking about things don't worry just refocus back on your breath...
From here you can add things such as encouraging your body to relax or positive affirmations.

Welcome to My channel im Shane known locally as shiatsu Shane and i specialise in shiatsu which is a Japanese style body work designed to work pressure points and meridians to support healing within the body. But im also trained in many massage therapies, i created this channel in February 2019 to help people as i learned that through watching massage videos it helps to relax people and ease them of there anxieties, stress and worries even helping with insomnia.
My clinic is great and i love working directly hands on with people but i love youtube too because i can help lots of people all at once. My Goal with this channel is to keep growing it so that i reach and help more people just like you!
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Disclaimer: *** This video is created for entertainment purposes only and cannot replace any medication, professional treatment or therapy. If you have sleep/anxiety/psychological troubles please consult your physician first.
Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), sometimes Auto Sensory Meridian Response,[2][3][4] is an experience characterized by a static-like or tingling sensation on the skin that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. It has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia[5][6] and may overlap with frisson.


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