Feel Better in Under 10 Minutes šŸ©¹ [Soft-Spoken Anxiety & Panic Attack Talk-Down]

selatonin ASMR
Publicado hace 1 aƱo

Hey there, itā€™s Selena!

I have a super quick little lo-fi talk-down with soothing hand movements for anxiety, panic attacks, or just when youā€™re having a rough day and need a few minutes to decompress. In under 10 minutes, weā€™ll do some breathing, muscle relaxation, affirmations, and try to ground ourselves in the present moment. I hope it can help when youā€™re feeling down!

Even when things seem tough, remember that lifeā€™s ups and downs come in waves, mirrored by the ocean and even our own heartbeats. After all, if we didnā€™t have ups and downs on a heart monitor or ECG, weā€™d be flatlining and obviously thatā€™s not good. Ups and downs are part of life - they ARE life. However, the ā€œdownā€ parts are never fun, and I hope this video can help ease that pain just a bit. Things will get better, so hang in there! :)

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