asmr | (re)learning html (whispered) [freecodecamp]

Published 6 months ago

Keep me company while I remember how HTML works using the freecodecamp courses! This time I'm building a "cat photo app"; it is a simple website to learn the basic html stuff. I'll be whispering (and occasionally yawning!) and typing, so there'll be some keyboard sounds. And I guess you can hear me breathe too.

A long one this time! I talked about the website with someone at work today, so I had it on my mind and I thought it could be a good way to make some time before going to bed (you can probably see I'm getting sleepy in the video) and a chance to have something to say to do a whispering video!

The website is this one:

I think I will keep doing some more of these courses. I'm not sure if I will do a full one per video, probably not as things will get more complicated and it will take me longer to do. I never know what to say when I do a whisper or soft spoken video, so this is a good option! But if you have any ideas for other videos, let me know!


asmr learning html asmr relearning html asmr coding asmr learn coding asmr learning coding asmr freecodecamp asmr keyboard typing keyboard typing sounds whispering

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