You Are Blessed🌟Feminine Spirits Watching Over You🕯️Channeling Ancestors, Fae, Dragons, Source, Sea🌀

Peace, protection, prosperity❤️💗💕

ALSO Get more rest please, there is someone(s) watching out for you from the other side BIG time, they are orchestrating things perfectly around you in life and are taking care of business, they say you've done more than enough you are allowed to relax. They are kindly asking you to sit down for one moment and take breathe, then take 1000 more, slowly and deeply. You have not failed, you will get up again, rest while you can, horizons anew, should you choose to let yourself die, reborn of ashes, to rise up and to fly❤️

#love #light #oracle #divinity #divineblessings #channeledmessages #channeling #channelinghigherguidance #mother #feminineenergy #faeries #dragonspirit #ancestors #ancestormessages #healing #safespace #sacredheart #youareloved #youarenotalone #youareblessed

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