ASMR cleaning - washing and scrubbing the dirty floor by hand - lo-fi

ASMR Cherry Cupcake
Published 3 years ago

I do not like pink rubber gloves but the demon at the back of my cleaning cupboard has a strange penchant for yellow gloves and ate the lot of them...pesky critter. I'll deal with IT later on but for now...because you voted for is a tiny snippet into the life of Cupcake, on her hands and knees, scrubbing the filthy floor. I usually use a toothbrush for between the tiles but that had also been scoffed the IT and so I settled for a nailbrush and a bit of elbow grease. I make no apologies for my scruffy jim jams and terribly poor lighting because this is real life and it is just how it is. However, if you want to see more of this, then do let me know.

Tickle the little like button if you so desire...and do remember to take a nosey in the community tab as I am trying to keep it going but need your support in order to do so...yes, it is free.

Love and kisses

Bossy Cupcake

#asmrcleaning #asmrrubbergloves #asmrfloorwashing

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