ASMR foot sounds, lotion, toe rings and my usual wotnottery - very lo-fi sleepy feet

Whimsical Annie
Published 3 years ago

This is just a little added extra because it was relaxing for me to sit and rub my feet and play with my toe rings...of which, I have many. These tiny little videos are no effort to put together and I was doing this anyway. No apologies for my big sloppy pj's and cardigan...ever the height of fashion. I do pamper my feet a lot because I put them through some arduous miles and torture in big boots and they are the only ones that I I sure as heck want to make sure that they'll carry me over a few more thousand miles. But in truth, rubbing my feet together, makes me sleepy, or it could be that when I am sleepy, I rub them together but whichever it's soothing. I think I have more toe rings than is possibly healthy but twiddling them is soooo relaxing. Yes, I am weird and wonky and wonderfully so. I think I even have a badge.

Yes, there will be sloppy silicone ear eating before the New Year and maybe I'll get round to recording it today.

Love and snugs and a dollop of jam and quite a lot of snootches...

Annie...lover of puddle jumping and jam

yoga, me, photography

Mostly feet and a lot of me

#asmrfeet #asmrfootsounds #toerings

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