Pumpkin Spice Steam Buns

Published 1 year ago

Steam Bun Recipe

123 ml cold milk
2.2 g instant dry yeast
22 g sugar
225 g medium protein flour
6 g soften unsalted butter

Place the milk followed by the yeast, sugar, flour and butter in the bowl of a mixer fitted with a dough hook. Mix at low speed for 2 minutes until the dough comes together and there is no flour left at the bottom of the bowl.
Add more milk, if needed, until the dough comes together.
Continue mixing at medium speed for 10-12 minutes, until the dough is smooth and has a fine texture.

When forming the bun, divide the dough into desired shapes and cover with plastic wrap (I recommend spraying some oil on the wrap to avoid sticking). Let prove until roughly doubled in size.

When ready to steam, place bun on a square of parchment before placing into the steamer. Steam over medium heat for 10-12 minutes, or until the buns are fully cooked.
Turn off the heat and let the buns rest in the steamer for 3 minutes before removing the lid.

Serve warm.


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