АСМР [ 3D Binaural ] РЕЙКИ терапия МАССАЖ головы ШЕПОТ ✦ REIKI ASMR MASSAGE Head , Whisper + ENG sub

ASMR Darya
Published 7 years ago

♥ Вдохновением для сегодняшней ролевой игры послужило Рейки ( лечение методом наложения рук) - одна из разновидностей телесной терапии. А телесная терапия – разновидность нетрадиционной медицины , врачующая душу и тело . В этом видео я позабочусь о Вас : сделаю массаж головы, массаж шеи и ушек. Я буду максимально нежной и деликатной , постараюсь сделать все аккуратно..без резких звуков, шепотом с ушка на ушко. Но посторонние звуки все-таки есть в этом видео …микрофон очень чувствительный ,а я живу в многоквартирном доме. Надеюсь, это Вам не слишком помешает. Сделано с любовью для Вас, мои дорогие! ♥

♥ The inspiration for today's role play was given me by Reiki - healing method of therapy by hands. Reiki is one of the varieties of bodily therapy. And bodily therapy is a kind of alternative medicine , healing the body and spirit. In this video I will take care of You : massaging your head, massaging your neck and ears. I will be maximally gentle and delicate and I will try to do everything carefully with using whispers from ear to ear. But I live in an apartment building....and the microphone is very sensitive . I hope that other foreign sounds will not too discomfort for you. Made with love for You, my darlings! ♥

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What is ASMR for me? It is an opportunity to stop, to slow down. A whisper, a gentle quiet voice, slow, soft-spoken, inviting to listen to our feelings. A pleasant tingling sensation or a trance can be elicited by means of sounds: soft rustling; crackling of plastic or paper packaging; tapping with finger-nails on objects; a slight scratching with finger-nails on textured surfaces, plastic or wood; the rustle of pages; the sound of paper; breathing into the microphone...
ASMR role-playing creates the atmosphere of a game and helps to get into a space of relaxation. We call this trigger "personal attention" . Very popular sub-categories include a medical examination, a conversation with a client, the process of making up, massage, spa therapy, hair styling which are combined with smooth, flowing hand movements.
Everyone can find their trigger or their author to their liking. You can feel "tingling" and "tickling" or use ASMR to alleviate your depression, panic attacks, or to improve your sleep.
I'd be happy to help You!

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▲ WebMoney R934057977588 \ Z332841702623

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