Hi friends!
I truly hope everybody is doing good, staying safe, happy and healthy!💙The weather has been so crazy lately - one day its sunny and hot then the next it's pouring crazy rain🤨but whatever weather you're experiencing where you're at I hope you're making the best of it and enjoying the changes🤗In today's video I'll be whispering the word "relax" in hopes to ease your mind and calm you😴🤞I'll be seeing you again soon! Take care of yourselves🌸
asmrpersonalattention personalattentionasmr asmrroleplay asmrsleeppersonalattention personalattention roleplay whispers sleep asmr whispersforsleep pluckingaway negativeenergy pluck asmrcommunity inaudiblewhispering whisper inaudible relaxing brainmelt triggers asmrtrigger handsounds trigger braintriggering sounds videoplaylist tingles crinkles relaxation OddlySatisfying Satisfying nap relax asmrsounds asmrvideo asmrtriggers 音フェチ आराम करें फुसफुसाना नींद