MattyTingles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED (Parody)

Matty Tingles
Published 5 years ago

MattyTingles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED (Parody)

*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this series. This is solely for fun, relaxation and entertainment. Don't report me WIRED, I love you!

Thank you to Mika at WIRED for interviewing me. She has a channel as well apparently? Check it out here:

Creator Code: WatchMatty on Fortnite
🎮 Twitch: WatchMatty (GO FOLLOW)
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Hey! My name is Matty and I live in Oregon. I’ve been an avid viewer of ASMR for over 7 years and I started my channel December 16, 2016. I normally upload 2-3 times per week! Stay tuned and thank you for being here.

- My Other Channels -
Vlog: “EverythingMatty”
Gaming: “WatchMatty”
Music: “MattyMusic”

- Social Media -
Twitter: @mattytingles
Instagram: @mattytingles

💼 Business Inquires
[email protected]

Mailing Address:
PO Box 953
Turner, OR 97392

WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Through thought-provoking stories and videos, WIRED explores the future of business, innovation, and culture.


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