ghostly EVP caught saying 'Hello' can you hear it ? **listen with earphones**

MinxLaura123 ASMR
Published 9 years ago

we left the webcam on whilst we went out ...motion detector... picked up a few clips of random noises ... but this was by far the best clip we think.. we hear a voice at the very beginning .. like within seconds .. say ' hello' ... can you hear it too ??? this is NOT a fake .. there have been many ghostly things happening in my house hence we set up a camera. the spirits are friendly and i have nothing but respect for them. I even hope that they are family members who have passed on. Let me know in comments if you can hear the 'hello' .
it is RIGHT at the beginning... listen with earphones... n maybe play back a few times


Electronic Voice Phenomenon Ghost EVP minxlaura123 Haunted Ghosts

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