I wanted to try something different when I was thinking about doing this video, so I had the idea of doing an 1980's nurse look..
I wasn't sure how I was going to do my hair but I sorta came up with the look that you see and I stuck with it! :)
Also, I am SO SO sorry if there was some noises that were just a tad bit loud, the little machine I had was part of the theme and as you can tell it was louder then most devices these days..and I cannot help when that darn truck will drive by my apartment! lol
I really hope you like the video! :)
ASMR 1960's Nurse Medical Exam
#asmr #1960'snurseexam #asmrmedicalexam
#asmrnurseexam #asmrdoctorsexam #asmrdoctor
#asmreyeexam #asmrdoctorscheckup #asmrnurse
#asmrtingles #asmrforsleep #asmrrelaxing #asmrrelaxation
#asmrnurseexam #asmrcranialnerveexam #cranialnerveexam