♡Sorteo International ASMR ♡ Japanese Box Giveaway ♡ ASMR en Español

ASMR con Kiki
Published 6 years ago

Amigos!!! Estoy tan feliz de poder hacer esto para ustedes! Por fin, Sorteo Internacional 🍍🍍🍍

Si te apetece, dale like a mi página facebook: https://www.youtube.com/hermetickitten
y a No Make No Life ♡ https://www.facebook.com/nomakenolife

Reglas para ganar la cajita 📦✨
How to win a box /Règles pour gagner une boîte/ Regole per vincere una scatolina:

1) Dejar un comentario explicando lo que el ASMR signifíca para ti
2) Estar suscrito a mi canal
Tienes tiempo hasta el día 18 de Agosto!

Giveaway rules:
1) Leave comment explaining what ASMR means to you
2) Suscribe to my channel
You can leave comments until August 18th!

Règles du Giveaway:
1) Laisser un commentaire en explicant ce que l'ASMR signifie pour toi
2) être abonné à ma chaîne
Tu peux laisser tes commentaires jusqu'au 18 Août

Regole del Giveaway:
1) Lasciare un commento spiegando ciò che l'ASMR significa per te
2) Essere iscritto al mio canale
Puoi lasciare i tuoi commenti fino al 18 di agosto!

II Additional rules: All comments must respect the Youtube Community Guidelines (https://www.youtube.com/yt/policyandsafety/en-GB/communityguidelines.html) and the Terms of Service (https://www.youtube.com/static?gl=US&template=terms)
This Giveaway is not sponsored by Youtube. The giveaway is sponsored by No Make No Life. Youtube is not responsible for this giveaway.
The 10 winners will be chosen randomly. Comments that do not comply with the rules will not win the giveaway. Nomakenolife is the sole responsible for the delivery of the 10 boxes.
Privacy policy: your personal information will be solely used for the delivery of the boxes. Nomakenolife will send your box and will be the sole responsible for the delivery.


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