Affirmation Meditation With Reiki Energy 🌳 Grounding & Stability 🌿Activate Your Abundance ⛲️

Ancient Soul Reiki 𓆃
Published 10 months ago

Please note my loves; that I do not yet have control over the ads, so if you experience them during the mediation I truly apologise but this is out of my control for the time being 🥰✨🙏🏼 thank you for your patience

Hi beautiful soul lights ✨🪷

Welcome to this affirmation meditation For grounding & stability 🌳🌿

Throughout this meditation, I will be flowing reiki energy towards your bottom 3 chakras and I have also created a grounding crystal grid over them to fully allow your energy to ground into the beautiful earth 🌎

These affirmations are encoded to penetrate the subconscious mind, and shift your frequency accordingly 🧚🏻‍♂️🦋

Thank you for being here, I appreciate you 🦋

If you would like more reiki sessions, my main channel is; @theangelicalchemist 🤍🤍🤍🤍

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