ASMR | Brushing the mic 🪥 (no talking)

Published 11 months ago

I've used a few different brushes: toothbrush, pastry brush and a little brush to clean straws. I'm giving the TASCAM a rest for a couple days and I'm going to use the FIFINE K960 for a bit; I was only using it for voice stuff, while gaming and all that. I think this sounds are better on this kind of mic.


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✔️My equipment

🎥 Cameras
LogitechC615 webcam [a]
iPhone 13

🎤 Microphones
Tascam DR-05X [a]
FIFINE K690 [a]

Capture card (for games)
elgato HD60 S+ [a]

Links marked with [a] are affiliate links. It means if you buy the item, I might get a small amount for helping you find it. The prices and anything else should be exactly the same for you. If you don't like affiliate links for whatever reason, just Google the name and it will take you to the same place.

#vaniasmr #asmr #asmrcommunity #tascamdr05x #sleep #relax


asmr ASMR sleep trigger vaniasmr vani asmr asmr for sleep tingle tascam dr-05x brushing asmr brushing Brushing ASMR brushing trigger brush brushing mic microphone brushing mic brushing brushing sounds asmr brushing camera no talking No Talking asmr just sounds just triggers only triggers fifine k690 fifine K690 asmr toothbrush asmr tingles

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