Fabric Sounds ASMR | Aggressive Scratching on Dresses | Heel Sounds | LoFi

Vellichor ASMR
Published 4 years ago

Hey there! Today I bring you another aggressive fabric sounds video in which I scratch on four different dresses. In the past year, I have lost 40 pounds and it feels really good to be confident in dresses like these again, and I'm happy to be feeling like my old self. The last dress in this video was my goal dress from when I started my fitness journey last April...I'm so happy to wear it!

Sorry that the lighting is bad and it's windy outside and my fridge kicks on at one point...but this took me too long to film and edit to not upload haha!

I also wanted to be clear that I am not trying to sexualize ASMR. I have no intention of doing 18+ content. I genuinely enjoy aggressive fabric sounds and try-on videos, so I did my best to combine those two things into a video that I would want to watch myself. Hope you guys enjoy!

Stay classy & holler at me if you want a video dedicated solely to heel sounds/shoe try on.
Want to request a custom video? Send me an email at [email protected] ! Inappropriate requests will be ignored and deleted.

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Aggressive ASMR Fabric Sounds aggressive fabric scratching fast fabric sounds fast scratching fast asmr dress try on dress sounds Clothes scratching heel sounds lofi asmr lofi

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