ASMR Creating Shapes with Kinetic Sand - Whispering Ear to Ear. The sound is very very quiet. I just wanted to create some shapes and get a feel for the sand, ...
massageasmrmassageasmrdmitriASMR whisperscalpbinarualrole playgentle whisperingwhisperdr dmitriMassage ASMRbrushingasmr sessionasmr massagerelaxstress reliefreduce stresshairASMR Role Playhair cutsleeptappingwhisperingcrinkle soundsHead Massageasmrtistrelaxationreliefear to earASMR sleepanxietyartistscrinklepersonal attentiontriggereye inspectiontrigger therapysandKinetic SandAutonomous Sensory Meridian Response