Hello, my little Night Owls,
On watching this again I realised that the audio was out of sync with the video. I tried to find the original videos but they had corrupted. I'm sorry if this is a bit too distracting but hopefully you can just close your eyes and pretend I didn't mess it up haha.
I hope you like this haul of lush products that I will be applying to your face!
Thank you and Goodnight!
Pandora ASMR
- Lid capping/ tapping
- Moisturiser sounds/ sticky fingers
- Crinkling bags
- Ear-to-ear whispering
What is ASMR?
ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It is a very technical term for a very simple feeling. Most people experience ASMR when they are a child from Chinese whispers (as we called them), a teacher showing you something in class to a trip to a spa or hairdressers. There are thousands; maybe even millions of different triggers out there tailored to different types of Visual, Auditory and Chemical stimuli.
It is often described as a tingling sensation from your head that tends to travel all through your body (if you're lucky enough)! Although very little scientific research has gone into the study of ASMR, thousands of people have admitted that it helps them in reducing stress/ anxiety levels, insomnia and their general mood outlet.
I believe this is because of the types of hormones that are being released by the brain as an innate survival technique from stressful situations. Sort of like the opposite of a 'fight or flight' response. However, I am not a scientist by any standards! ASMR cannot replace any serious condition and for this, I would visit your local medical practitioner. Yet it still never fails in helping thousands of people every day. And that is why I love it.
LINKS!! ^_^ :
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** Disclaimer **
The videos featured belong to Pandora ASMR. Created for entertainment purposes. These cannot be used as a supplement to replace medication so please visit your local medical practitioner for this.
3Dio accent anxiety asmr Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response Bath Bomb binaural braingasm close up asmr crinkling bag depression Ear to Ear Whispering english Exfoliator face massage Facial Cleanse female fluttering fingers free hand massage hand movements lilium asmr lush lip cap lush bath bomb lush haul mint exfoliator moisturise moisturizer paper bag reiki hand movements spa experience space stereo sticky fingers tapping tapping cards tingles voice xy