ASMR Basic Tingle Test/Sound Assortment

Cori Cat
Published 5 years ago

Hey everyone, I just want to say sorry if I came off as in a bad mood. My jaw has really been hurting me so when I talk for too long I get a bit irritable, I have an orthodontist appointment tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can get a new retainer to help my jaw sit properly.

Insta: cori_1221

gmail: [email protected]

This video was filmed with my new Tascam DR-40, please let me know any suggestions you have if you have dabbled with this mic before :) And for the lighting, I can always turn down the brightness if everyone thinks its to bright for a relaxing video lol
But as always have a good morning, good evening, and good night :)


asmr mic brushing mouth sounds scissor sounds scratching soft spoken sounds assortment tapping tascam dr-40 Tingle test triggers tweezing water wounds whispering

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