ASMR reading Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Down the Rabbit Hole. Softly spoken

Published 4 years ago

Chapter 1.

I'm so glad that my striped socks got an airing. The last time I wore those, I was upside down on my bed with my petticoats around my head.

I was supposed to be uploading Sherlock Holmes but that got sucked into my phone and eaten by moths. As an alternative,. here is one I prepared much earlier. Softly spoken (or as soft as I can manage because I have a deep voice) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Down the Rabbit Hole. I chose not to whisper too much as it’s hard to intonate whilst whispering and personally, I find it hard work to listen to whispered reading. Not to mention that it’s very harsh on the vocal chords. However, I do like to dip in and out of the two and that is one of my biggest triggers.

Happy to read almost any book, as long as it is in The Public Domain.

I will also be reading the entire works of Sherlock Holmes if there’s a demand.

I appreciate constructive feedback.

Thank you as always for your time.

With love and jam sandwiches.



ReadingASMR ASMRReading alicesadventuresinwonderland readingaliceinwonderland downtherabbithole aliceinwonderland c.slewis asmrbooks asmrsoftlyspoken asmrstories

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