EP 13 | DM Phaerius' LMOP | "Assault on Cragmaw Castle" | Dnd 5e #gameplay

Published 3 years ago

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Ep. 13 Write-up:
The adventurers made their way through Cragmaw Castle, facing the blades and arrows of countless goblins and hobgoblins presumably doing the bidding of the black spider. Finding battle at every turn, they discovered a desecrated shrine to the goblin god Maglubiyet and some devoted acolytes of the dread deity as well as a feasting hall that had seen better days, and was now filled with ravenous goblins.

Despite their trouble in gaining entry to the castle, they dispatched their foes with ease, clearing each room with indelicate force. Only a muffled growl from the other side of a heavy wooden door gave them pause. The occupying creatures having kept a starving owlbear captive in one of the towers of Cragmaw Castle. The party, sensing it’s distress, paused their assault to feed and release the panicked beast, which made its way out of the castle.

The party approached another barred door, only to hear a shouting match between the bugbear leader King Grol, and an agent of the Black Spider. Grol demanded payment to hand over the captive dwarf, and the map, and the agent was not amused by his impudence. The adventurers leapt into action, surprising the bugbear and the battle-clad drow. With the battle turning against him, and the agent slain (who was a doppelganger in the guise of a female drow), Grol dropped his weapon and told the adventurers where the map to Wave Echo Cave was hidden, and relinquished the unconscious Gundren to be left alive. With the map and Gundren in hand, the party could finally track down the cave, and the Forge of Spells inside.
#dnd #dungeonsanddragons #twitch #5e #ttrpg


roleplay Dungeons & Dragons d&d twitch twitch stream streamer airlaser DM Phaerius campaign module LMOP

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