Hello everyone! This ASMR video features: soft speaking, rotary phone dialing, tapping, chalk on a chalk board, eraser sounds, pointer, flash cards, some up close personal attention, and the soothing sound of an unpressed vinyl record playing for some extra old school tingles :P. There are also a ton of Easter Eggs. I wanted to do a teaching role play for a long time, but I didn't want the viewer to be a child, so this was inspired by the movie "Pleasantville" and some educational videos from the 50's. I did a good deal of research for this, and had a lot of TIL moments. My grandma let me borrow her hat she wore when she was young, and it felt really special. Please let me know if you liked the vinyl record sounds---I found old movie projector sounds too harsh, and I have always loved the sound of a record playing without music, so I added it to make the video feel more old fashioned. I can always upload a version without them though if you want. I really hope you like this! Happy Viewing!
PS. Next Role Play destination is Twin Spa...
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Microphone I use: Free Space Pro - Binaural Microphone
You'll find me at PixelWhipt soon!