Seize the Journey | Empowered Timeline Goals | Reiki ASMR | Therapeutic Session | Virgo New Moon

Published 7 months ago

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Happy New Moon in Virgo at time of posting :)

I hope this serves as relaxing and therapeutic for you. In personal reflections I find myself a learner through action more than any other channel. There's a length intro here explaining where parts of this sessions theme have been inspired.

Many of us have come from chaos, insecure foundations, challenges that certainly leave their mark.. The concept of 1, 5, 10 year plans can be completely abstract. I hope this supports in allowing such contemplations and intentions, as they serve as skeletal structures on which the organic unfolding may flourish.

Thank you so much for allowing me to share a little piece of your path tonight. Wishing you nothing but the very best.

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Thank you for all the love. Your comments truly have been a life saver to me lately, really reminding me of all the love and support and connection that exists.
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Goal-setting Reiki ASMR scared to set goals fear of failure reiki crystals reiki hand movements asmr healing session Reiki Healing Session reiki meditation reiki cord cutting reiki crystal cutting reiki sprays reiki aura reiki face reiki for future reiki for self development lune innate reiki for goals and success energy work session reiki for sleep heal which you sleep reiki while you sleep shift while you sleep reiki energy asmr reiki hands

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