A Few Things About Me

Mena Carolea
Published 5 years ago

Hey hey

I've decided to talk about me a bit . I know some of you won't like this video and that's okay , there is a reason we can choose to like or dislike YouTube videos.

I know I might sound a bit edgy, but I'm hoping this is the last time when I have to be like this.. I certainly dislike being annoying and I don't want to be seen as someone who always complains about something , I don't want you guys to be afraid of saying something or making a joke because of the attitude I have in the first part of the video , I only want you to be respectful .

Also , I forgot to mention this in the video , I want you to keep in your mind that I don't only post ASMR videos , sometimes I feel like posting videos that are presenting my life and I'm gonna always move them to the playlist named " Once Upon A Time " . So if one of you only want to watch my ASMR work , you know what playlist to choose. Because someone told me the other day something like " I'm gonna unsubscribe now because I was expecting to see an Asmr video " . No , I'm gonna upload asmr videos as well as "non-asmr " videos .

I hope you like the video and I hope it helps you understand me better . If you would like to see more videos like this, please let me know.

Also, one more thing, you can always leave your story in the comments below if you feel like sharing it with me ; I like reading comments like that and I always reply to those .

See you soon x x x xxxx

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