ASMR core exercises.

Published 4 years ago

A few delightful little core exercises that should be accessible to most people. I will indeed be posting some advanced exercises for those who want something a little more demanding. I feel truly wiped out today and that's evident by the way that I look so please be kind. I apologise for the quality of the audio and the wotnots but I vow to always keep things authentic and that's what you have in abundance here.

If you are on lockdown and cannot get to the gym, there are lots of things you can do at home to maintain mobility and strength. I’m going to share one or two exercises each morning, on top of my usual posts. Please note that you should only perform these if you are well enough to do so. I do indeed have access to weights, kettlebells and a whole host of other equipment but I am aware that I want these exercises to be inclusive. Remember that it is possible to improve our fitness levels without making it complicated.

Remember to protect your lower back by pulling your belly button in towards the grounds.

If you wish for me to continue with these, please let me know, otherwise, I'll simply go back to posting them elsewhere.

Remember that it is important to incorporate easy days into our exercise programme. The body does not take kindly to constant stress or high levels of intensive exercise. Allow your immune system to recover by incorporating some active rest days into your week.

Always be mindful of your breath and stay safe.
You can find me on instagram

All exercise videos should be in the exercise playlist. You can also find me here

With kindness, love and gratitude
Ani x

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