Kissing and Poking You ASMR | Mouth Sounds

Vellichor ASMR
Published 4 years ago

In this video, I play with a new trigger that I didn't even know I liked - simultaneous poking + kisses! I ask for your consent before I poke you and also throw in a few other mouth sounds at the end. Around the 2:30 minute mark, I reference being able to see my lipstick on the mic - this is because I had done some mic nibbling in this video, but it ended up being way louder than the kissing and a little too much, so I edited those clips out.

Hope you guys enjoy this shorter kind of content, too. Drop me a comment, let me know what you think.

Stay classy.
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Mouth Sounds ASMR Kissing ASMR Poking asmr wet mouth sounds slow asmr Personal Attention ASMR personal attention kissing sounds hand movements visual triggers blowing kisses tingles kisses consent

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