Get tingles and fall asleep with Portuguese trigger words ✨ with HAND MOVEMENTS and HAND SOUNDS

Till You Sleep ASMR
Published 1 year ago

Oooooi :D
Today I decided to do an ASMR with trigger words, this time in Portuguese. Along with it, I also make hand movements, hand sounds, finger fluttering and some mouth sounds here and there. If you don't speak Portuguese, the idea is that this video could work as a background asmr, where you don't necessarily need to look at the screen, so you can listen to keep you focused, help with work, studies, gaming, but also you can use this video to relax and learn a few Portuguese words, and maybe fall asleep.

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PATREONS – Thank you!
⚡ Owl ⚡ Annie A. ⚡ Tom P. ⚡ Lagi One ⚡ Brian ⚡ Andreas S. ⚡ Alex ⚡ Shane ⚡ Steve P ⚡ Patrick B. ⚡ Serhiy S. ⚡ Ele S. ⚡ Kruppe ⚡ Diego ⚡ Peter B. ⚡ Stephan G. ⚡ Robin C. ⚡ Jeremey C. ⚡ Ryan ⚡ Matthew H. ⚡ TG ⚡ Mister Lynx ⚡ Greg L. ⚡ JL ⚡ Grumpy ⚡ bugcheck ⚡ Gerrit ⚡ Brandon ⚡ Anthony ⚡ Ville ⚡ Laura ⚡ Ashley ⚡ Stephen R. ⚡ Gega

00:00 Intro
00:47 Palavra / Word
01:48 Relaxe / Relax
03:05 Relaxante / Relaxing
04:08 Tranquilo / Calm or Quiet
05:23 Ciclo / Cycle
06:38 Lápis / Pencil
07:43 Caneta / Pen
08:46 Risco / Risk
09:34 Papel / Paper
10:35 Escrito / Written
11:43 Tesoura - Tesourinha / Scissors - Little scissors
13:27 Borracha / Eraser
14:36 Muito, Pouco, Pouquinho / A lot, Little bit
17:23 Chapéu / Hat
18:43 Blusa, Blusinha / Shirt - blouse
20:13 Rápido, Lento / Fast, Slow
22:29 Dormir / To sleep
23:27 Traverreiro / Pillow
24:49 Coberta, Cobertor, Edredom / Blanket, Duvet or comforter
26:10 Maquiagem / Makeup
27:32 Brinco / Earring
28:29 Cabelo / Hair
30:07 Escova, Secador / Brush, Hair dryer
32:00 Coração, Coraçãozinho / Heart, Little heart
33:49 Amor / Love
34:37 Carinho / Affection
35:34 Abraço / Hug
36:43 Preferido / Preferred
38:00 Borboleta / Butterfly
39:30 Boa noite / Good night


hand movements mouth sounds asmr asmr relax Trigger Words ASMR asmr trigger words for sleep asmr trigger words mouth sounds asmr whispering hand sounds finger fluttering hand movement background asmr asmr for sleep ASMR sleep ozley asmr simply kel

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