Reiki ASMR ~ For Balance | Yin Yang | Inner Outer | Work Rest | Chakra Balancing | Energy Healing

Jade & Sage
Published 8 months ago

Today we're focused on calling in balance. Balancing of Productivity and Rest, Work and Play, Light and Dark, Masculine and Feminine, Yin and Yang, The Chakras... If there's an area you're feeling imbalanced in please set the intention to work in that area!

Working with Sage, a Rattle, Essential Oils, Shaman Stones, Clear Quartz, and Reiki.

✨If you'd like to book 1-1 Energy Work or a Card Reading please email me @ [email protected]
I'm very grateful for all energy exchanges and I use them towards new items and tools to share with you on here.

It's all about balance, baby ~

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