Deep Fabric Scratching on Towels | LoFi | Aggressive ASMR | No Talking | Viewer Request

Vellichor ASMR
Published 4 years ago

Aggressive scratching on a chair, four different towels, and I even included a few seconds of dog ASMR at the beginning ;)
Time Stamps:
Dog ASMR: 0:00-0:07
Chair Scratching: 0:08-1:56
Towel 1: 1:57-2:53
Towel 2: 2:54-4:31
Towel 3: 4:32-5:31
Towel 4: 5:32-6:52
Chair Tapping: 6:53-6:58
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Aggressive ASMR Fabric Sounds ASMR fabric scratching fabric asmr towel asmr scratching asmr fabric scratching asmr aggressive scratching asmr deep scratching asmr fabric

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